Mikes Bike Shop is open for business.

We’re a couple weeks into the Stay-at-Home order to help limit the spread of coronavirus. Hopefully, this will all be over at the end of the month and we can get back to normal.We’re a couple weeks into the Stay-at-Home order to help limit the spread of coronavirus. Hopefully, this will all be over at the end of the month and we can get back to normal.

There have been a lot of changes to everyone’s lives through all of this; some good, and others not so good. One thing we have noticed, and you may have as well, are the amount of people getting out and about riding bikes, walking, jogging, walking the dog, etc. Now is a perfect time for you to get out for a ride as well; there is a ton less car traffic than normal. Mostly everyone we have interacted with has been super friendly and we hope to see this continue when this is all over.

We wanted to remind you that the State of Illinois has deemed bike shops as essential businesses and we are open to help you. We have been doing what we can to help keep some normalcy in our lives and yours.

  1. We are disinfecting the shop as much as possible to help us continue to operate as you are accustomed to.
  2. We are, at this time, limiting the number of customers in the shop to less than 10 to help maintain the 6ft rule.
  3. We are offering curbside service for pick-ups and drop-offs of new bikes and repairs. Just give us a call when you arrive at the shop and we can come out and get your bike or bring your bike out.
  4. For the time being, our Sunday and Friday rides have been postponed until it is safe for us resume riding together. We are hoping we should be good to go by Mother’s Day.

We hope everyone is staying safe out there and we hope to see you all riding!